
Umai is a hotel management system build using java with postgresql as the database system. The application has desirable user-experience with all the mandatory functionalities like Add, Edit and Delete. This is binded using postgres JDBC. The UI is designed using JavaFX-FXML.


This is project was created as a part of the semester project, we initially decided to build it from java AWT, but it was too bland that we though of switching to javaFX, which even though was not in our curriculum, we went ahead with it. Frankly it paid off. Me and my teammates were more than motivated to develop this into a good project. So there were a lot of discussion about different aspects, like the layout, colour scheme, functionalities etc. We had earlier created a proper, simple ER-diagram for the model, on how we would store the data.

Since JavaFX was new to us, we needed to spend sometime learning about it. But when we came across scene builder, we understood that, using javaFX was the best choice because we were able to design easily using scenebuilder, as it provided a realtime, drag and drop feature. Technically JavaFX, used the fxml, which follows similar to xml, and each window/stage has a scene where all the components will be grouped to provide apt colours and action events.

Then with few days to deadline we sped towards adding the SQL action using the JDBC connector as the middleman. And postgres as the database. We added the basic CRUD functionalities, including a search feature.
